Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Beware ... reading this might ...

Courtesy of Sara Enni - Check out journalist and writer - especially YA interest and writing -  
Sarah Enni at www. sarahenni.com
Fun, varied and fast - plenty of posts and interesting angles and discussion on YA writing.

Enjoy, Gillian

Sunday, 22 January 2012


Apologies for this repeat from 2010 [Have I really been blogging since then?]
but came across it - obviously had forgotten all about it - and clearly couldn't remember what Lethologica meant ...

You know that moment, when you can't remember someone's name - but deep down, you know it ... ?

What about the word that won't come to the tip of your tongue ...

Well, apparently, there's a word for it ... now what was it? ...

Dictionary.com: Lethologica
Definition: inability to remember a word or put your finger on the right word.

Lethologica is a psychological disorder that inhibits an individual's ability to articulate his or her thoughts by temporarily forgetting key words, phrases or names in conversation.

Lethologica was first identified as a serious, debilitating disorder by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung in 1913 in his Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (The Psychology of the Unconscious).

Lethologica's severity amongst sufferers is dependent upon a variety of factors including stress, physical fitness, social interaction and base memory capacity. As such it can be classified as a lifestyle disease which is also affected by individual personality traits. These factors have been shown to affect the temporal lobe which in turn causes the sporadic functioning of episodic and semantic memory capacities.

Sorry but no effective treatments for the disorder exist !

Hmmm ... interesting ...


Checking in ...

Hello everyone,
Not only do I feel I have deserted everyone ... I've been sulking about not having time to blog - but more truthfully, I've have had to focus so much on a recent project [that's not a complaint btw] that I banned myself from blogging.

Knowing fully that my blog isn't a complete writer's stop-off paradise for workshops, advice, regular loooonnggg posts, interviews and updates on everyone else who's been or just getting published - my blog is what it is - a blog - a web log.

I believed that the initial idea of a blog was to write / provide snippets of information, entertainment, shared interests? something like a diary ?? Any answers on a postcard ...

I've been criticised for my blog being like an overgrown Facebook page. But hey-ho - who's in charge here? My idea of a blog is perhaps a cork notice board with tweets ... hang on - I could be onto something here ...

Anyway, what I really wanted to say is this:
Whilst I've been doing my real work, I've been much more open to scenery [not necessarily mountains and skies at dusk, but objects, cultural signifiers, the tiny happenings of day to day life.

Take for instance this telephone box ... it's in the vicinity of Parliament buildings in London.

Who has used this phone box in past years?
What conversations have been passed through it?
What characters might we imagine have entered the box? And why?
What were they wearing?
What was the weather like?
Where were they going after?
Who had they been speaking to?

I'm sure this could get a short story off the ground ?? Now let's see ... could you do one because I've got to get back to my real job!

See you soon,